Woodland Wellbeing Update

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

We always enjoy our time in the woods – here are some photos of our recent projects to give an idea of what we do….

Ecotherapy @ Foundry Wood  – weekly on Tuesdays throughout the year, using the Five Ways to Wellbeing

Ecotherapy group



Craft at FW LH Creativity TJ Diversity at FW TJ Matt Cox with Axe

creating leaf mandalas…

Leaf Mandala LH

sharing poems and stories….

Reading poems LH

maintaining Foundry Wood….

Working at FW KP

…all year round!

Smiles at ET LH


Tallis Woodland Wellbeing – Wednesdays, courses of six or eight weeks, various times throughout the year

learning about the woodland….

Tallis Wood Lucie Titchmarsh  Caz Trees LH

caring for nature….

Tallis Wood work Lake at Tallis Wood LH

connecting with each other

Tallis Wood LH

learning new skills and having fun!

Fire Lighting LH Laura at Tallis Wood TJBubble blowing


Photos thanks to Laura Hood, Teresa Johnston, Lucie Titchmarsh and Kristie Naimo

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