The Sidings at Foundry Wood

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

ARC is pleased to announce new funding from Chiltern Railways to continue to make improvements to the Sidings area at Foundry Wood. ARC are the founders of Foundry Wood Community Woodland on Princes Drive in Leamington. We co-manage the site with the Friends of Foundry Wood which is a charity. In 2022, we leased additional land adjacent to the woodland which contains disused railway sidings with a host of Silver Birch and Ash saplings growing through them. You can read more on the Foundry Wood website here

ARC will be holding a number of volunteer sessions for the general public and for business or other groups between September and February. Sessions will involve improving the entrance with steps and footpath, reinstating an old railway boundary marker, and keeping paths clear of brambles.

Watch out for volunteer dates in the coming months. If you work for a company that might be interested in a business volunteer day then do contact us.

We are also seeking a couple of volunteers to help research the history of the Railway Sidings and help create information boards.

For all enquires, contact Kath, / 07814 605245.


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