Achieving Results in Communities

Children’s Forest from Seed

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Following on from the success of the initial planting of the Children’s Forest at Leasowe Farm, ARC are pleased to have some further funding to continue to develop this project in 2023…

Thanks to funding from the Local Giving Community Matter Fund, this autumn / winter we will be gathering seeds for growing trees.

Locally sourced seeds tend to grow better in local conditions (replicating what happens naturally) and we will be running a few sessions to gather seeds from around Leasowe Farm to grow on into future trees for planting!

There will once again be opportunities for everyone to get involved. Join us at the start of half term for a date in the Children’s Forest at Leasowe Farm: Email for details

As before, park along the track leading to Canalside Community Farm and we will walk together down to the Children’s Forest field. This is also an opportunity to see how the trees have been growing from the past 2 season’s planting (spoiler – they are growing well!!!) 

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