Another Sunny Day at Foundry Wood

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Despite the forecast for the weekend, we were blessed with lovely weather on Sunday and made a thyme bench.  I don’t want to jinx things but appears that every time we have a work session planned, the sun shines for us! Let’s hope that continues….

This is the thyme seat we made.  The thyme will spread to cover the whole seat and next summer it will be covered in purple flowers.

Thanks to everyone who came along and helped out!

We also spotted this lovely Comma Butterfly that was on the nettles as well as loads of  black caterpillars. Turns out they are caterpillars of the Peacock butterfly!

We should have some more news any day now about the planning permission for the rest of the work on Foundry Wood. Soon we’ll be able to get on with building our Pathways, Outdoor Classroom and Compost Toilets!

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