New Street Burial Ground

Throughout 2017 and 2018 ARC transformed the underutilised and neglected, disused burial ground on New Street in South Leamington into a colourful, creative community space.

Throughout 2017 and 2018 ARC transformed the underutilised and neglected, disused burial ground on New Street in South Leamington into a colourful, creative community space. Following community consultation, regular gardening sessions took place to enhance the biodiversity and plant life by planting bulbs, flowering and fruiting plants and creating raised planters for herbs. The heritage and historical use of the burial ground was researched and interpreted on a new wooden noticeboard and sign and mosaic stepping stones were created by members of the community and installed around the perimeter.

Volunteers continue to garden during the warmer months. Further information can be found on Facebook: New Street Nature Park and Twitter @NewStreetNature

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