Woodland Wellbeing

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

The first pilot course at Tallis Wood has just finished and we have been reflecting on what a wonderful project we’ve embarked upon.

Through sunshine rain and snow (!) participants completed the 8 week course.

This course aims to support individuals to achieve greater levels of confidence and physical, mental, and emotional well-being through a facilitated journey of weekly sessions. During the sessions participants engaged in a variety of woodland-based activities designed to deepen their connection with the natural world, with others, and with themselves…. Their smiling faces say it all!

03 02 18 LLH 15 02 18 Caz LH 28 02 18 LH 28 02 18 LH4 Laura 07 03 18 Matt Poem 08 03 18 LH

The second 8 week course starts at the end of May. For more details read our Woodland Wellbeing page


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