Achieving Results in Communities

The Outdoor Classroom has a Roof

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Well our luck with the weather was bound to change at some point so it was a good time to get our shelter finished at the woodland.

Despite the rain, we managed to get the roof on our Outdoor Classroom last weekend.
On a wet Sunday morning about half a dozen dedicated volunteers turned up to help with the roof installation. And it rained for hours and hours whilst we were doing it!

However it did stop raining in time to light a fire to cook some delicious vegetable soup for lunch.

In the afternoon, more volunteers joined us to start clearing the area we plan to plant some trees.

We have received 400 trees from the Woodland Trust. Our pack is called Year-round colour which consists of Hawthorn, hazel, silver birch, rowan, wild cherry, dogwood, plus a royal oak sapling.

We’ll be planting these on a couple of Sundays during December (9th and 16th) so please come along and get involved!

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