Step into Spring with a boost to your Wellbeing

ARC (Achieving Results in Communities) offers weekly ‘Wellbeing in Nature’ sessions in Leamington and Warwick.

Spending time in nature has been proven to boost your mental health and wellbeing.

Local community organisation ARC (Achieving Results in Communities) offers weekly ‘Wellbeing in Nature’ sessions in Leamington and Warwick for people struggling with their mental health, recovering from an addiction, or feeling socially isolated. Sessions are 2 hours long and are free of charge. Alongside connecting with the natural world, participants enjoy the opportunity to meet new people, and do nature-based crafts.

Session facilitator, Kath Pasteur, said “Our sessions run outdoors all year round, and are really welcoming to newcomers. At this time of year, the spring shoots appearing from the soil offer a sense of hope for a better year to come.”

ARC have recently been awarded 2 years of funding for the Wellbeing in Nature service from the NHS Mental Health Transformation Fund – a new programme supporting voluntary and community organisations in delivering mental health support. ARC also receive funding for the sessions from the National Lottery.

Feedback from participants has highlighted how valuable the Wellbeing in Nature sessions are. One participant at the Warwick group said “the sessions have transformed my mental and physical health. I feel calmer, more energised, more hopeful about the future and better about myself. I have had far less recourse to my GP because the sessions have given me a grounding, a sense of perspective, tools to use when my mood or my self esteem is low, and something to look forward to. It is impossible to convey exactly everything the sessions have given me but I can honestly say they have been a life saver”.

ARC also deliver 8 week Wellbeing in Nature courses at a third location outside Leamington. These sessions are a full day (10am til 3pm) allowing participants more time to reflect on their wellbeing, and commit to some actions that might help them to move forward. The next course starts on Weds 1st March.

Visit ARC’s website to find out more. Participants can self refer or be referred by a friend, colleague, GP or mental health agency.

Photo below of Warwick Wellbeing in Nature group who meet every Thursday in the Packmores Community Garden:

ARC are based and deliver project across Warwick District. We support people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Foundry Wood, Tallis Wood Warwick Wellbeing are three Wellbeing in Nature sessions that help people to be active and connect to the natural world for positive physical and mental health benefits. They are all aimed at adults who experience mild to moderate mental health challenges, feel socially isolated, or are on a recovery pathway from an addiction.

Activities support people to improve their health by engaging in a variety of woodland or garden based activities and crafts, deepen connection with the natural world, be physically active, and have the opportunity to socialise with other people.

Contact us for more details.

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