Achieving Results in Communities

Pump Room Gardens Survey and Volunteer Recruitment

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

ARC CIC are pleased to be assisting the Friends of Pump Room Gardens with their project to bid for Heritage Lottery Funding to restore the Pump Room Gardens in Leamington Spa.


The Friends of the Pump Room Gardens are working in partnership with Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council to restore the Pump Room Gardens. They have received initial funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and are currently preparing a 2nd Round Bid for submission in August 2015.

They are carrying out a survey to collect baseline information about how the Gardens are being used now, as well as your ideas for how they could be improved. Your comments and suggestions will help the group prepare their proposal which, if successful, will be implemented from January 2016 onwards.

Please complete the survey online at

They are currently looking for several volunteers to help in the following areas:

Survey Research and Data Entry Volunteer. Download the role description here:  PumpRoomGardens_SurveyVolunteerRole_Final

Communications Voluneer. Download the role description here: PumpRoomGardens_CommsVolunteerRole_Final

For more information about the project, please contact or visit the website

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