New Street Progress

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

We have been gardening New Street Burial Ground on Thursdays (2 -4pm) each week and have made good progress on tidying up.

So far we’ve removed over 100 bags of  uncollected dog poo and over 50 needles. We’ve spoken to many of the local residents who are pleased to see the site being improved.

Speaking to local residents:

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Removing nettles:



FB_IMG_1490944097073   Gravestones

Potting up plants:

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Through ongoing consultation, the plans have been evolving. Taking on board concerns about a ‘natural play area’ and installing any seating – the new designs reflect a more nature focused space – with wildlife friendly plants, an insect hotel and paths. See the latest design proposal:

New Street Design Proposal 2SMALL

Another important aspect that has been recognised is acknowledging the history and the fact it is a burial ground so signage and information boards are proposed to interpret the stories of some of those buried on site. We are currently looking for volunteers who might be interested in helping us with this research.

The next step is formally submit the proposals to the DAC (Diocesan Advisory Committee for the Care of Churches) for approval.

Read our latest newsletter here.

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