Achieving Results in Communities

New Street – permission granted!

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

New Street Progress – Faculty Permission Granted!

We are very pleased to say the Deputy Chancellor from the Diocesan registry has granted permission for the proposals to improve the New Street Burial Ground area. The full details of the permission can be read here.
We will continue with regular weekly gardening sessions on Thursdays between 2 – 4pm and work on the bug hotel and pathways will commence after the summer. See below for dates and details…..

Building a Bug hotel – on the east wall as it gets the most sun. We will be making something similar to the one in Jephson Gardens (see picture above). Two weekend volunteer days have been planned – Sun 3rd & Sat 30th September. Save the dates – more details to follow….
Signage – as well as an entrance sign, we would like to have some information about some of the people named on the gravestones. Get in touch with Kristie ( if you can spare some time for this research and design project.
Building a Stepping stone path,We plan to make a pathway to take people around the burial ground and past the headstones to better appreciate the history of the site. Path building will be on Sat 7th & Sun 29th October. More details to follow….
Thank you to everyone who has donated plants so far – they have been looking lovely over the recent weeks. We’ll be putting in shrubs and more plants in the autumn. If you have any plants from our list – in particular ferns or any bee friendly plants such as lavender or foxgloves – please let us know or drop them down on a Thursday afternoon.
A reminder of the design proposals above.

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