New Street Gardening Sessions

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

This year we will be starting regular, weekly gardening sessions at New Street Burial Ground in South Leamington.

Sessions will take place on a Thursday afternoon from 2 – 4pm  – starting Thursday 12th January. All are welcome to come along when you can (even if it’s not every week). We’ll provide gloves, refreshments and some tools.
Further discussions will continue with the community, Warwick District Council and others over the ideas for the site.

Summary of initial consultation feedback:

  • Most people thought the site was beautiful and a positive asset to the locality. But it could be improved in some small but significant ways.
  • Most suggested that the site could benefit from better maintenance and some gardening to brighten up the edges.
  • The idea of storage shed was unpopular due to the high possibility of vandalism.
  • There were concerns that additional benches might attract undesirable activity such as drinking and associated antisocial behaviour.
  • There were considerable concerns about dog poo – there were several suggestions for how to clean up this problem.
  • There were positive suggestions making the site more wildlife friendly by installing bug & bird boxes and planting with more diverse, wildlife friendly plants.
  • People are interested in ensuring the history of the site is acknowledged – ie the fact the space is a burial ground.
  • Many would like to see a noticeboard/sign with information which would make the space more inviting to explore.
  • Some felt that the site needs an official “name” which would help to acknowledge its existence and value.
  • People were interested in occasional local community events, e.g. a summer picnic or street party.

As the consultation is ongoing people are encouraged to join in the conversation online or email thoughts.  To join the mailing list send an email to

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