Gardening Projects Awards

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Warwickshire County Council Social Care services ran a ‘Growing for Greatness’ gardening competition in 2018 and ARC were very pleased to receive awards for two of our projects!

The Way Ahead Therapeutic Garden won the container garden category.

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Warford Lodge Garden was the best in large garden category. We also go a mention in the “Sensible Spender” – for entries that have spent less than £50 and have utilised donations creatively (that sounds like us)!

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We are very proud that both projects achieved beautiful gardens and benefited from awesome activity involvement of their communities.

About Growing for Greatness Competition

Spending time in gardens and engaging in gardening activity has been linked with many positive benefits. Being outside and planting, promotes a higher level of physical activity which can lead to a reduction in the chance of developing heart disease, cancer and musculoskeletal conditions.


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