Ecotherapy project receives People’s Health Trust Funding

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Ecotherapy project at Foundry Wood receives funding from People’s Health Trust

We are pleased to announce we have secured funding for our successful project – ‘Ecotherapy’ at Foundry Wood.

Ecotherapy was initially set up 3 years ago by a member of the public, Teresa Johnson, who found that coming up to the woods helped with her own anxiety and mental health. Teresa said “There is such a need for a group to help people feel re-connected to each other and their natural environment to aid their wellbeing. The wonderful woodland setting, the warm and welcoming ethos of the group and mutuality supportive environment all contribute to the positive effects on participants health and wellbeing”.

People’s Health Trust has invested £32,000 in Ecotherapy at Foundry Wood, using money raised by HealthThrive through The Health Lottery.

This money will be used to run the Ecotherapy project for the next 2 years. The sessions take place every week, are drop in and centre around practicing the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, namely ‘Connect, Take Notice, Be Active, Give, and Learn.

Kristie Naimo, Director of ARC said “We are really pleased to have 2 years of funding from the Health Trust as it allows us to develop the project and expand the service to reach a wider audience of those in need – particularly around Brunswick, Sydenham and Lillington in Leamington and part of Packmores in Warwick.

Kristie added “It is fortunate timing for this project as next week is mental health awareness day. People are encouraged to take time to consider their mental health and wellbeing in their daily lives.”

Photos from recent Ecotherapy sessions by Laura Hood

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