School and youth group educational visits to Foundry Wood

ARC facilitate schools and other groups of children to visit Foundry Wood.

ARC facilitate schools and other groups of children to visit Foundry Wood.  We offer a variety of educational activities including curriculum-based sessions i.e. living things and their habitats, plants, animals, lifecycles and environmental art. Forest School inspired sessions and environmental education sessions such as bug hunting, pond dipping and den building are also available.

Early years education visits are also available on themes such as Bugs, Bear Hunts, The Hungry Caterpillar, fairies and wizards and more.

An Education Pack is also provided with information for parents, teachers and children about the visit, a risk assessment for on-site activities and suggested pre- and post-visit classroom activities. We have packs for Early years, Key stage 1, Key stage 2 and After School groups. Education visits cost from £125-£150 for a 2 hour session

Example sessions include mini-bug hunts, crafts and cooking activities (e.g. pizza making in the woodland pizza oven) suitable for after school groups such as brownies, guides, cubs, scouts, etc. Pizza making sessions cost from £210-£260 depending on the number of participants.

These sessions are delivered by a Forest School trained facilitator with teaching experience. Charges for sessions are based on group size and session duration.

You can find out more on the Foundry Wood Education page or contact / to discuss bespoke services for your group

We are grateful to the Heritage Lottery Fund for supporting the development and initial roll out of the Education Project in 2014.

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