Achieving Results in Communities

ARC update

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

May has been another busy month for ARC with several of our projects….

Ecotherapy at Foundry Wood continues to go from strength to strength – with around 20 people attending regularly on a Tuesday. We recently had some good news about funding to continue to run this session for the rest of this year…more details coming soon with an update from Kath.


New Street Burial Ground progresses well – we’ve been weeding, planting and watering (oh it’s been so dry!) We’ve submitted the design proposals to the Diocesan Advisory Committee and await their comments. Meanwhile gardening sessions continue on Thursdays. Join us between 2 – 4pm:

New Street May

Packington Place Pocket Park is looking lovely and colourful and bright and we continue to garden on the first Monday of each month 2 – 4pm. Tree will be running some more activities there during the summer:


And the Way Ahead Therapeutic Garden is also looking great – with Sara helping to create raised beds which are already planted up with fruit & veges:

Wayahead May

We also helped to organise Action21’s Eco Fun Day (a walk and cycle between Warwick & Leamington) and had a stall in the Pump Room Gardens:


Kristie was very pleased to be asked to present our work to the Leamington Society’s AGM on 11th May. There was much interest in all of our projects.

And finally – we are extremely grateful to outgoing Mayor of Leamington Spa – Ann Morrison – for choosing us as one of her community organisations over the past 12 months. The fundraising efforts resulted in a generous donation to ARC to go towards future ‘pocket parks’ and similar initiatives in Leamington.

There’s lots more coming up this summer – we’ll be at Warwick Folk Festival once again assisting with recycling and loads of activities at all of the above sites. You can sign up to receive regular e-newsletter updates on our projects. Email to be added to the mailing list, find out how to volunteer or join us.

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