Achieving Results in Communities

Lillington Youth Centre

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

In February we were awarded funding from the North Leamington Community Forum to continue running the Hanging Gardens of Lillington project.

For 2020 we were aiming to involve young people in growing and cooking as much produce as possible from the gardening spaces created around the youth centre.

Unfortunately shortly before the project was due to begin, the Youth Centre was closed along with all the schools. For a short time we did some online sessions, which involved dropping compost and seeds off to young people’s houses (many thanks to Emma!).

Photos from the Youth Centre Garden in June:

June 2020


The youth workers ceased the online sessions after a few weeks in favour of concentrating on detached engagement with young people who were spending time out on the street and parks.

The funding for this year’s gardening project will be carried over into 2021. Despite not happening this year, the garden still flourished in the amazing weather over the spring and summer:
Sep 2020

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