Dose of Nature

ARC supports people to access and engage with the outdoors for their mental and physical health and wellbeing.

Many of us know nature has multiple, well documented benefits for mental health and wellbeing. Spending time in outdoor social activity reduces social isolation, builds confidence, and allows space for conversations about mental health.

Time around trees and other plants can reduce blood pressure, lower stress, boost energy, and boost the immune system (Qing Li, 2018).

2019 is the year of Health and Wellbeing in Coventry and Warwickshire and over the next 6 months, ARC are collating and promoting  meaningful outdoor social activities that benefit mental & physical health.

We will be signposting people to activities such as Ecotherapy, conservation volunteering, walking, allotments, gardening and more…

Download the leaflet with activities across the County A dose of nature leaflet WCC

There are a number of different ways you can get involved. Would you like to improve your mental health and wellbeing?

Would you commit to taking part in an outdoor activity to benefit to benefit your mental
health or wellbeing during 2019?

Do you run an outdoor activity we can help promote?

Get in touch with us to find out more:

Download the flier here: DailyDose_Flier2-compressed

Some regular outdoor group activities available locally:

Walking Groups
Mental Health TogetherSat, Thurs &
Walking for HealthVarious across
Green Minds Northumberland
Rd Allotments, Leamington Spa
Tues 10am –          Tel 01789 298615
The Canal, Clemens St, L’SpaWeds 10amDrop in
The Dell, Leamington SpaThurs 10amDrop in
New St. Burial Ground, L’ SpaThurs 2pmDrop in
Sydni Gardening Club, L’SpaMon 9.30-12.30 /
Hill Close Gardens, WarwickWeds, Thurs,
Guys Cliffe Walled Garden, WarwickWeds, Fri,
Woodland Wellbeing
Ecotherapy at Foundry WoodTues 10am – 3pmARC CIC –
Tallis Wood Wellbeing CoursesWeds 10am – 3pmARC CIC –
Conservation volunteering around the districtVarious locations and times – see websiteWarwickshire Wildlife Trust




We are grateful to our funders:

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